Trees have always been a vital part of the urban fabric. They are now more important than ever for the multiple benefits that contribute to the liveability of cities faced by changing climate and urban densification.
Urban forestry is an integrated, evidence-based approach to maximising the benefits of trees and other vegetation in cities. Research shows that well-designed and well-managed urban forests provide multiple benefits for cities, including; climate mitigation, improved human health and well-being, biodiversity protection, and social and economic development.
The University of Melbourne’s School of Ecosystem and Forest Science, in partnership with the City of Melbourne, has developed the Australian School of Urban Forestry, the first of its kind to be held in Australia.
This six-day professional development course is an interactive program delivered by leading urban forest practitioners and researchers, presenting best-practice approaches and case studies. The school includes seminars, workshop exercises, team-based problem solving and field trips.